Mia G Vayner of WWW.Disabledaccessdenied.com called By Australian Radio To Share Her Experiences On Hurricane Irene

Mia Vayner: A South Australian Come New-Yorker’s view of Hurricane Irene

In a former Life In Adelaide Australia ,I worked in Radio, TV , Comedy and Entertainment radio people come and go like women’s fashion But great radio personalities stay because their good, Keith Conlon Is just such a person when I was In my teens almost 4 decades ago he was a name to be reckoned and nothing has changed. During Hurricane Irene’s  Assault on the East Coast  of North America I manned my blog, my phones ,my email and kept Information flowing to the disabled community of New York one Way and to the New York City Council the other through the committed compassionate people of Speaker for the city council Christine Quinn’s office  The two way system got help to the disabled and glitches’ back to those who could make the system work  Michaela Miller at Christine’s Office was on top of everything from the first raindrop I kept tweeting for people to contact me with problems and much to my joy a name I respect from my past started replying through Keith conlons producer it was arranged for 6:40pm new York time for me to go on Adelaide radio and give the story of being right in the path and being disabled and my opinions on how it was handled . being that  it was an icon of aussie radio I was blown away to be asked and the kudos for my blog was a great honour  .This blog was started to get the word out in time of need to help those without a voice and to correct those who think our rights are no more than doormats  this week I have through my blog had road works done to repair  broken access ramps and pavement on this continen,t and speak to the Australian public live to air about surviving Irene as a disabled woman below is the link to my interview.

Keith Conlon & John Kenneally speak with Mia Vayner, a South Australian now living in New York, who bunkered down as Hurricane Irene hit home.

Author: disabledaccessdenied

I am a disabled woman who through no fault of my own has wheels under my ass. I rely on the decency and common sense of local, state and federal goverments, as well as the retail community to abide by the disabled access laws and provide adequate ramps, disabled toilets, and not use them as store rooms or broom closets. This blog exists to find the offenders and out them, inform them, and report them if necessary and shame them into doing the right thing when all else fails.

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